User Guide

About the Code checks and Quick fixes

The code checks are divided into 4 categories:


Supported is @SuppressWarnings("all") to suppress all warnings and errors generated by the plug-in. @SuppressWarnings("naming-convention") is used to only suppress the warnings for Java naming convention.

Configuring the plug-in

After installing the plug-in and restarting the workbench, the Argus Builder is automatically associated with all java projects in the workspace. All the Code checks are set to "Warning" by default. Setting up the plugin can be done through the properties page for a single project, or via the preference page. The preference page is located in "Java >> Compiler >> Argus Codewatch".

If settings are changed in the preference or property page a rebuild will be started after clicking "Apply".

Categorized problems

As of version 0.8.0 and Eclipse 3.2, problems are categorized.